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Trend Alert: Overalls

by Gabrielle Loomis

Who ever thought about wearing overalls again? Emma Watson, Emma Stone, and Selena Gomez certainly did. They were spotted on the streets wearing overalls and looking effortlessly cute. This trend was big one day back in the 90s and it might be here to stay. It was actually a big hit this past summer in Brazil, and now it is coming to the U.S. I don’t know if I can pull it off  but I am certainly willing to try. You can definitely “play” with overalls and pair it with heels, flats, cropped tops, you name it.

Quem iria imaginar que estaríamos vendo alguém usando jardineira de novo? Emma Watson, Emma Stone e Selena Gomez certamente tiraram essa moda do armário. Elas foram vistas na rua usando jardineiras e o pior é que sem esforço algum elas ficaram super fofas. Será que essa tendência, que um dia era alta nos anos 90 veio para ficar? No verão de 2014 dos brasileiros essa tendência estava super em alta, e só agora está chegando nos Estados Unidos. Eu não sei se eu consigo usar jardineira de novo, mas eu estou certamente disposta a tentar. Ela pode ser usada com um par de salto alto, rasteirinha, flats, cropped tops, você decide.

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vicky June 30, 2014 - 4:04 am

I love this!

Gabrielle Loomis June 30, 2014 - 9:23 pm

Thank you =D

jamie June 30, 2014 - 1:45 pm

I really think that overalls are making a big comeback soon, I can’t wait!

Gabrielle Loomis June 30, 2014 - 1:51 pm

Hi Jamie, I am excited too. Can’t wait to try one on. 🙂

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